
Monday PSMGA
Annual Business Meeting Minutes - October 11, 2021

Harry Walsh, President, opened meeting at 1:35pm.  Introduced the Board and thanked PH staff and grounds team for excellent support of the organization.

<Harry provided general overview of the PSMGA.  285 active members and 15 honorary members YTD

Reviewed played rounds and identified 81 members have not played any rounds this year!  We're averaging 118 members playing through 27 tournaments.

80 members have played in 95% of our tournaments; however 62 have played in less than 40%.

Board recommends and membership approved amendment to the by-laws to implement a minimum number of rounds played in 2022 to retain membership.  That minimum will be determined at the end of 2021 and be reviewed by Board annually.  Special consideration will be given to medical issues as provided to Board.

Steve Heidelberg, Head Golf Professional,  reviewed play for 2022 and they will continue to provide free range balls.  Effective January 1, 2022, the cost of green fees is increasing by $1. Punch cards will cost $310 each for 10 rounds of golf. Members who pay cash, cost will be $36 plus $5 entry fee. Purchase of new punch cards is limited to two per member.

PH team gave out 5 free rounds to members present via random draw.  Congrats to the winners!

Bob Bradford, Treasurer, reviewed the financial state of the PSMGA and it is good standing with sufficient reserves.

We currently have 23 people on the waitlist

For 2022, we will ask each member to complete an updated membership application so we can update our contact information for each member as well as gain authorization to pull funds from your accounts in 2022 vs doing that automatically.  We will also ask you to volunteer to run for a future board position.  This will occur in Nov/Dec

Membership dues will return to $20 which has been our regular membership dues after a brief pause for COVID in 2021.  All dues must be paid by Jan 1, 2022.  All members delinquent by Jan 31, 2022 will be removed from the active membership roll and will have to join the waitlist to resign up.

We did not have any volunteer signups for the open officer positions of Treasurer, VP Rules and Operations and Webmaster.  Solicitations were made live at the meeting and no volunteers signed up for VP Rules and Webmaster, so Berle and Cliff have agreed to retain their roles into 2022.  Tim Koscinski volunteered to be Treasurer, and membership approved.  Tim will now be vetted to perform the role by current Treasurer Bob Bradford.  His term, if approved by Board, will start on Jan 1, 2022. 

Meeting was adjourned at 2:10pm